About 30 years ago, There was no good doctor in our village. People often suffered from diseases. They had to come to Dhaka for treatment. Many of them died in the way. By realizing such this miserable distress of the rural people, I decided myself to serve them at no cost by receiving "S.M.F.P.C.Pharmacist" degree. It is one kind of Medical Science degree. In 1980, I build a "charitable dispensary" for the healthcare of the rural people. The name of the dispensary is "Sarker Medical Hall". At the beginning my capital cash was only 7 thousand BD taka. I was familiared to the rural people within some days. Patients came to meet with me for treatment from far away. Even the number of patients are increasing day by day. I treat the patient without any fee. I serve the medicine among the patients who come to me at a cheap rate. At present, many rural and registered doctor serve the people due to the advancement of Modern Medical Science and Technology. I want to serve the poor patient until my death without any fee and I want to establish my dispensary as a large Medical Centre. So that poor patient do not die without medical service. To accomplish such project, need a lot of money. I live hand to mouth. That's why, it is impossible to me to build up the great project. In this regard, I want to call attention to the compassionate, generous and humane people all over the world. Everyone for everyone. Humane for humane. Thank you everybody.
N:B: If any one have any query please mail me. My e-mail ID is : dr.mubd@gmail.com